Monday, November 6, 2017

WILLOW STAKE Locations (Fine Lumber)

HOW TO USE THIS: Copy and past each set of coordinates into the Coordinates Assistant and label them. They are listed here roughly in close proximity to each other.

675 674
660 670
679 639
654 629
664 620
675 606
658 603
667 581
653 585
656 564
660 551
639 538
627 541
618 569

686 469
678 491
670 493
651 497
620 481
592 477
569 471
575 453
570 436
609 444
579 428
588 411
618 407
620 391
648 394
627 373
637 364
616 356
609 371
608 358
572 360
565 369
553 352
541 354
521 346
525 329
511 337
500 306
478 307
487 331
470 352
507 409
494 415
488 438
449 435
404 433
406 415
411 405
422 353
419 312

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